5 Storytelling Templates to Help You Increase Conversions
(even if you can’t tell stories)
Bring your content to life
You keep hearing that you need to use storytelling in your marketing, but no matter how many times you read about how effective it is in marketing, you can’t apply it to your business.
Maybe you’ve tried studying storytelling, but it just didn’t make enough sense for you to be able to start using it in the way that you want to.
So you keep trying, feeling like you’re missing out on something that could really benefit your business.
While also feeling like you’re getting nowhere and might be wasting precious time and energy.

Generate ideas faster
When you understand how storytelling and marketing connect, coming up with ideas for everything from blog posts to emails to social media updates is easier and less stressful.
You’ll be able to get more done in less time, while also making more money from your content marketing.
Embrace your inner storyteller
In this guide, you’ll find 5 templates you can start using right now to make writing content for your business easier and faster.
You’ll come away with a true understanding of why storytelling affects our brains and how you can use it in your business.
And you’ll realise that maybe you were a natural storyteller after all, you just needed to view the world (and yourself) differently.