by Kristina Proffitt | Jun 7, 2024 | Content Marketing, SEO
Content marketing is an important part of any good digital marketing strategy. The upfront effort can be time consuming, but once you’ve nailed your content marketing strategy and created quality content, it can bring you leads for years to come. Here’s...
by Kristina Proffitt | May 6, 2022 | Content Marketing, Copywriting, Inspiration and Motivation
You’ve probably heard how much our brains love stories. When used properly, they have an incredibly powerful affect on our minds. When used badly, they can cause us to switch off faster than you can say ‘clickbait’. It’s all very well and good knowing that stories...
by Kristina Proffitt | Apr 22, 2022 | Content Marketing, SEO, Video Marketing
When most people think of content marketing, they think of blogging. And of course, blogging is a great form of content marketing. But it’s far from the only form. Which content marketing format is best for you will depend on several things: What you want to get out...
by Kristina Proffitt | Feb 11, 2022 | Content Marketing
‘How can I create content for my boring industry?’ is a really common question in content marketing circles. The first thing to remember is that the definition of ‘boring’ is different for everyone. Just because you find your industry boring, that doesn’t mean...
by Kristina Proffitt | Jan 28, 2022 | Content Marketing
Much like in any role, there are some skills every content marketer needs regardless of if you’re an employee, contractor, or freelancer. And yes, these skills are just as important if you’re responsible for your own content marketing. What are they?...